About Baklava

Barely a decade into the new millennium, we have witnessed significant issues in the history of Greece and Turkey. There are also on-going conflicts on particular subjects which are the extensions of the fixed idea of -mostly- the elderly population. as open minded young generation, we aim to discover the efficient and continuous ways of learning how to communicate each other and to encourage both ourselves and our readers to present fresh ideas on table.

A while ago, we have noticed that there is no suitably qualified media group that is able to represent the Turkish-Greek youth mindset. Modern youth population needs an independent publication platform that can voice the perspectives of the Turkish and Greek in a shared language. We have discovered this gap and determined to fill it by establishing Baklava.

Baklava Mag aims to inspire readers in making a positive impact in their cross cultural relations. Through its written and visual contents, the youth magazine encourages and enables people to improve relationships and engage in dialogue wherever they are, whether in Greece or in Turkey.

It leads readers to deepen and better understand the faith or values that accepted in both sides of the border, providing a venue for all those who share the ideals od peace, friendship, understanding and connection.

Do you have any comments, suggestions or complaints?